
I’m Ruud Hendrikx

Data Scientist & Tech Lead

based in Amsterdam area, Netherlands.

I am a highly motivated problem solver.

Driven by curiosity, I have a hands-on approach and an entrepreneurial mind-set.

With my interdisciplinary background and a specialisation in Physics I am

able to communicate across multiple levels - ranging from technical experts to business stakeholders. I have multiple years of research experience in top class data-driven research institutes as well as practical experience implementing Machine Learning solutions in business environments.

As an experienced Python developer in the domain of Machine Learning and Data Science, with a natural focus on cross-discipline collaboration, I am best positioned at the intersection of the technical teams and

the translation to the business problem at hand. Taking into account what is technically feasible and what adds the most value in terms of transforming business processes, I am mainly motivated by making an


I have many years of experience in positions as the technical lead of the team. I believe that augmented decision making is the way forward, where human decision making is enhanced by the application of Machine Learning solutions rather than replaced by fully autonomous systems.

As a lean start-up approach enthusiast I'm always looking for opportunities.

Interested in working together?

Let's get in touch!